Orthodontics in Glenolden

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Proudly Offering Professional Invisalign Services Here In Glenolden

Are crowded teeth affecting your confidence? A smile is often the first we notice about others. Lavender Smiles has multiple options to help align your bite and boost your confidence. From traditional braces and ceramic appliances to clear, removable aligners, there’s something for everyone in your family.

Why Invest in a Straighter Smile?

Overlapped and rotated teeth not only cause cosmetic concerns but can make it harder to keep your teeth clean. In turn, this can lead to an increase in cavities and gum disease, not to mention TMJ problems.

Thankfully, conventional or clear braces can bring teeth into proper alignment by applying constant, gentle pressure in a controlled direction. Dr. Anh will work with you and your family to create an orthodontic plan that fits your unique needs.

Types of Braces and Aligners We Offer

At Lavender Smiles, we know that options are important. We offer a variety of orthodontic treatments in Glenolden to meet your needs and suit your lifestyle.

These include:

Traditional Braces

High-quality stainless steel brackets are precisely placed on the front side of your teeth with a combination of wires and bands and adjusted as needed. Traditional braces are fixed in place until treatment is complete, so you won’t ever forget about wearing removable appliances. These treatments are great for children and teens, but adults qualify for conventional braces too.

Ceramic Braces

Looking for a more discreet alternative to traditional metal brackets? Ceramic braces use tooth-colored brackets instead, for a more discreet look. You will achieve the same results as traditional braces, but without a noticeable appearance. Adults who require or prefer traditional bracket-and-wire systems may prefer ceramic braces because of their low-profile design.

Clear Aligners

Clear, removable orthodontic aligners are custom-fitted trays that precisely alter the alignment of your teeth by providing gentle pressure. Each pair of aligners is slightly different from the last. A computer-generated model of your teeth is used to create a series of trays. As you change them out, your invisible braces slowly and efficiently create the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Clear aligners are hardly noticeable and can be removed for oral home care and eating. For optimal results, it is essential that your trays be worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day.

How Long Will My Treatment Take?

The duration of treatment varies based on your specific oral anatomy. Dr. Anh can provide you with an estimated timeline during your initial consultation.

Are Braces or Aligners Right for Me?

Contact Lavender Smiles in Glenolden to reserve a no-obligation consultation for you or your child.


Proudly Offering Professional Invisalign Services Here In Glenolden

Are crowded teeth affecting your confidence? A smile is often the first we notice about others. Lavender Smiles has multiple options to help align your bite and boost your confidence. From traditional braces and ceramic appliances to clear, removable aligners, there’s something for everyone in your family.

Why Invest in a Straighter Smile?

Overlapped and rotated teeth not only cause cosmetic concerns but can make it harder to keep your teeth clean. In turn, this can lead to an increase in cavities and gum disease, not to mention TMJ problems.

Thankfully, conventional or clear braces can bring teeth into proper alignment by applying constant, gentle pressure in a controlled direction. Dr. Anh will work with you and your family to create an orthodontic plan that fits your unique needs.

Types of Braces and Aligners We Offer

At Lavender Smiles, we know that options are important. We offer a variety of orthodontic treatments in Glenolden to meet your needs and suit your lifestyle.

These include:

Traditional Braces

High-quality stainless steel brackets are precisely placed on the front side of your teeth with a combination of wires and bands and adjusted as needed. Traditional braces are fixed in place until treatment is complete, so you won’t ever forget about wearing removable appliances. These treatments are great for children and teens, but adults qualify for conventional braces too.

Ceramic Braces

Looking for a more discreet alternative to traditional metal brackets? Ceramic braces use tooth-colored brackets instead, for a more discreet look. You will achieve the same results as traditional braces, but without a noticeable appearance. Adults who require or prefer traditional bracket-and-wire systems may prefer ceramic braces because of their low-profile design.

Clear Aligners

Clear, removable orthodontic aligners are custom-fitted trays that precisely alter the alignment of your teeth by providing gentle pressure. Each pair of aligners is slightly different from the last. A computer-generated model of your teeth is used to create a series of trays. As you change them out, your invisible braces slowly and efficiently create the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Clear aligners are hardly noticeable and can be removed for oral home care and eating. For optimal results, it is essential that your trays be worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day.

How Long Will My Treatment Take?

The duration of treatment varies based on your specific oral anatomy. Dr. Anh can provide you with an estimated timeline during your initial consultation.

Are Braces or Aligners Right for Me?

Contact Lavender Smiles in Glenolden to reserve a no-obligation consultation for you or your child.

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